Dietary supplements and food additives

We add energy to your daily routine and fill your life with health and activity

Reliable suppliers of natural wealth

We aim at wholesale of the most efficient dietary supplements and additives choosing the most natural and effective ones

Delivery and storage

We provide fulfillment services being accurate with delivery and storage of your orders

Packaging and Marketing

We assist in labelling health products and in developing effective marketing strategies

Our products stem from nature and are time-tested for consumers to be healthy and satisfied

Being global means choosing natural

GL Gesundheit Lieferant specializes in wholesale of dietary supplements and food additives that are indispensible for being healthy, energetic and active. Since its establishment the company has chosen a path of being global in the products it supplies selecting the best, time-tested products no matter the country of origin. Our suppliers come from the EU, the US, Latin America and other regions, strictly adhere to local production regulations for dietary supplements and food additives while simultaneously being "green" and making the production cycle environmentally friendly.


The ingredients used in the selected products are natural and come from protected environmentally clean zones to ensure the maximum positive effect from daily consumption. Nature generously shares its wealth and supplies the nutrients most people require for being energetic day by day. Our task is to select the purest and most reliable ones by visiting production sites, reading consumers' reviews and medical data. We are oriented at wholesale and are ready to assist our distributors so that to deliver the product to the final consumer.


We do not only supply but also support

Our Mission: making the path of health and mindful life a reality in the urban environment.

Technological progress, career success, rapid life pace - these are the characteristics of urban life. Comfort comes with income and technology, but mindful life and inner comfort come from harmony and nature. We aim at the synergetic effect of urban and rural life. And we deliver the elements of rural life to consumers' hi-tech urban homes. Being organic and natural is luxury in the city, yet we strongly believe that making your daily diet complete with natural vitamins, nutrients and bio-additives can assist in making your business goals more achievable not at the expense of your health and energy. We deliver elements of urban life through our products that are both natural and indispensible no matter your surrounding and life pace.

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